
Survey savagery in Manipur, NPP up-and-comer's father took shots at

Survey savagery in Manipur, NPP up-and-comer's father took shots at

Imphal: Unidentified shooters shot and harmed the dad of a National People's Party (NPP) up-and-comer in Andro voting demographic close to the family's home in Manipur's Imphal East region late on Friday night.

Lourembam Sanjoy, NPP's Andro voting public up-and-comer, additionally went under assault as he was hurrying to his harmed father L Shyamjai at Yairipok Yambem from Imphal. Nonetheless, he got away safe, sources said. Shyamjai, who got a shot physical issue on his right shoulder, is going through treatment at Shija Hospital here.

The episode comes under a fortnight after NPP, which is one of the key gatherings challenging races in Manipur and an individual from the NDA, held up grumblings with the Election Commission charging assaults and dangers being given to its competitors by assailant gatherings.

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