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Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana
1. Q.1 President Ram Nath Kovind has appointed whom as the Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court? scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 22 January 2015 in Panipat,
Haryana as a part of the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign.
2. Account can be opened in the name of a girl child till she attains the age of 10 years.
3. Only one account can be opened in the name of a girl child.
4. Account can be opened in Post office and branches of authorised banks.
5. Birth certificate of girl child in whose name the account is opened must be submitted.
6. Account can be opened with a minimum of Rs. 250/- and thereafter any amount in multiple of Rs.
100/- can be deposited.
7. Maximum Rs. 1,50,000 can be deposited in a financial year.
8. The account can be transferred anywhere in India from one post office/bank to another.
9. The account allows 50% withdrawal at the age of 18 for higher education purposes.
10. The account reaches maturity after time period of 21 years from date of opening it.
Q.1 President Ram Nath Kovind has appointed whom as the Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court?
राष्ट्रपकत रामनाि कोकवदां नेककसको इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय का मख्ुय न्यायाधीश कनयुक्त ककया ह?ै
1. J K Maheshwari 2. Sudhanshu Dhulia 3. Hima Kohli
4. Arup Kumar Goswami 5. Sanjay Yadav
Q.2 What is the Name of Pioneering philanthropist and Times Group Chairperson, who has passed
away recently?
अग्रणी परोपकारी और टाइम्स ग्रपु चेयरपसिन का नाम क्या ह, ैकजनका हाल ही में कनधन हो गया है?
1. Maggie O'Farrell/ मैगी ओ'फे रेल
2. Prasad Kadam/ प्रसाद कदम
3. Shakuntala Harak singh/ शकंुतला हरककसंह
4. Tahera Qutbuddin/ ताहरेा कुतबुद्दुीन
5. Indu Jain/ इदं ुजन
Q.3 Urban Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 will be implemented over a period of 5 years from 2021-2026.
What is the total financial allocation?
शहरी स्वच्छ भारत कमशन 2.0 को 2021-2026 से5 साल की अवकध मेंलागूककया जाएगा। कुल कवत्तीय आवटं न क्या ह?ै
1. Rs 1,41,678 Crore/ 1,41,678 करोड़ रु
2. Rs 35,000 Crore/ 35,000 करोड़ रु
3. Rs 64,180 Crore/ 64,180 करोड़ रु
4. Rs 2,23,846 Crore/ 2,23,846 करोड़ रु
5. Rs 2,87,000 Crore/ 2,87,000 करोड़ रु
Q.4 National Dengue Day is observed on which day every year by the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare to spread awareness about Dengue disease?
स्वास््य और पररवार कल्याण मत्रं ालय द्वारा हर साल ककस कदन डेंगूबीमारी के बारेमेंजागरूकता फैलानेकेकलए राष्ट्रीय
डेंगूकदवस मनाया जाता है?
1. 11 May/ 11 मई 2. 16 May/ 16 मई 3. 8 May/ 8 मई
4. 12 May/ 12 मई 5. 15 May/ 15 मई
Q.5 Ujjwala Scheme which has benefited 8 crore households will be extended to cover 1 crore more
beneficiaries. This scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on which day from
Ballia, Uttar Pradesh?
उज्जवला योजना, कजससे8 करोड़ पररवारों को लाभ हुआ ह, ै को 1 करोड़ और लाभाकथियों को कवर करने के कलए
कवस्ताररत ककया जाएगा। इस योजना की शरुुआत प्रधानमत्रं ी नरेंद्र मोदी नेककस कदन उत्तर प्रदशे केबकलया सेकी थी?
1. 1 May, 2016/ 1 मई, 2016 2. 9 May, 2015/ 9 मई, 2015
3. 28 August 2014/ 28 अगस्त 2014 4. 25 December 2019/ 25 कदसंबर 2019
5. August 1998/ अगस्त 1998
Q.6 Who has topped the "World’s 50 Greatest Leaders" list for 2021, released by Fortune Magazine?
फॉच्यिनू पकत्रका द्वारा जारी 2021 केकलए "कवश्व के50 महानतम नेताओ"ं की सचूी मेंकौन शीषिपर ह?ै
1. Jacinda Ardern/ जकैसंडा अडिनि 2. mRNA Pioneers/ एमआरएनए पायकनयसि
3. Dan Schulman/ डैन शलु मनै 4. Dr John Nkengasong/ डॉ जॉन नेकें गासोंग
5. Adar Poonawalla/ अदार पनूावाला